Friday, February 28, 2014

Plans to send a couple of boxes....

This will be the first time I send a box to the Philippines.  The boxes are  are roughly 20 x 20 x 20" and can be filled full and heavy for a flat fee of $55 to middle islands and $45 to Manila.     (This price is through Willex Corporation, but there is also the LBC company--when it comes time to send a box off, I'll see which company gives the better price!!)     I was planning to send the first box I fill to Manila.    (this  project is another reason I stop and collect empty beer/pop/water bottles and cans!!)

items that can be included:  as mentioned all the small trial sized items at motels and hotels--even partially used is fine
                                               children's clothing and sandals and t-shoes--more spring/summer than winter!  again gently used is fine    (scarves, caps, socks)
                                               toys--even just the MacDonald meal ones or others you care to weed out from your children's assortment!  (think kids 2  years through 17 years of age)
                                               school supplies:  pens, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, notebook paper, folders, rulers, erasers, small pencil sharpeners, compass/protractor/  solar powered calculators, coloring books, children's books--English is taught in the schools
                                               hygiene items:  wash cloth, bar of soap, combs, brushes, hair do-dads for girls, deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste, breath mints,
                                               gum and candy is always fun, but NOT chocolate or things that would melt
When I send a box to the Middle Islands, even canned ham, Spam, sardines, Asian noodles, the dried noodle soup packages (Top Ramen),  canned spaghetti sauce, and adult gently used clothing would be great!!

I am grateful for any donations ya'll care to give!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lylie Hotel Mandaue City Cebu Island The Philippines

never did eat at hotel




Thursday, February 20, 2014

Artevelman Filipino craftsmanship Mandaue City

We went shopping on Monday January 27, 2014!!!




actual small 'pet' dogs!


with clerks at Artevelman

I know Lee would want me to bring this home!

Small Department Store, Bogo City Cebu Island Philippines

furniture section

tents on wall; strollers

real Lego or a take off?

basketballs!!   and others

fishing and other stuff

it is both a washer and dryer in very small unit!

liked the inlay on the table
Liz and  Donna looking at shoes

spray paint not locked up!                                

a grocery aisle

fruity and vegetable ice creams
look familiar?

chocolate cakes