Friday, February 7, 2014

Wednesday January 22, 2014

Chris was up and off early to head back to Mindaue City  (and then Brent will come up).   It was SOO good to have her with us and participating in the ministry with us.

Marj, Sarah and I had the morning "free" since Pastor Revie busy getting men and supplies to construction site.   Donna and Liz off with Pastor Henry for followup visits.       This after noon Marj, Sarah, I and Pastor Revie will return to areas we were in on Monday (including Calubihan where the truck got stuck!).  Sarah will share on assurance, Marj on prayer, Bible and fellowship and I will share on obedience.

Marh, Sarah and I ate at a sushi place.   I had teriyaki chicken rolls--okay, but I am not much on the seaweed wrap.    I did enjoy the mango crepe!    I was thankful that I could eat light--there has been too much food and too much sitting.  My body is missing the gym!!     Today was sunny and warm (humid).

After a long, but good afternoon, we all ate a late supper and finished up with our team meeting and prayer after 10 PM.

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