Saturday, February 8, 2014

by the way....who are they #2?

So, why did I fly from Cebu City on the 28th January to Manila?

To visit Tim and Cleo, of course!  Tim Undheim   A "few years ago", Lee and Tim were at Western together here in PDX.  So over the years we've had letters back and forth.   I figured that since I was getting all the way over there, I may as well take some extra time and visit on!

Tim is and MK--from Thailand.   Go ahead and speak with him in Greek and Hebrew--he studied in Jerusalem!     So we visited a long time the evening of the 28th, but I should have taken notes.   He and Cleo were working in same place when they met.    So I dis-remember if they were both Stateside at the time!   Sorry.

Anyway, they married.  They have a lovely daughter, currently in college on the East Coast.  They live in Quezon City, Manila Municipality, The Philippines.  They are fluent in Tagalog--so my ears switched from two weeks of Cebuano, to Tagalog/English!!

Tim teaches in about 4 schools--teaching pastors.  I bowed out of attending a class in Hebrew looking at the book of Exodus.    Cleo heads up the ministry Inakay--which is to women in the correctional institute, but more so their children.   Hey folks--you want to give to a good cause--check out the Inakay ministry.   And yes, through CAMA they also assisted in typhoon relief and are involved in micro-financing projects. It is not too late to give for typhoon relief--there is yet a HUGE need for rebuilding homes, fishing boats, jobs, lives.

A quote from one of their newsletters:   The devastation is huge and the number of those adversely affected is staggering - in the millions. Yet we are convinced it is Jesus’ directive to help ease the pain of even a few. We believe it starts best with communities we are familiar with, with people we actually know. So, we and the leadership of two compassion agencies we partner with are determined to do exactly that. If God has laid it on your heart to help relieve the pain of even a small number of these precious people, helping them rebuild their homes and lives, we encourage you to send your contribution to either of the following.           1. First Love International Ministries; P.O. Box 15836; Loves Park, IL 61132-5836. Checks should be made out to First Love International Ministries and designated generally for Typhoon Relief. Online donations can be made quickly and securely through the First Love donation site: Typhoon Relief online donations. All of your donation will reach the site.                                     2. The Christian and Missionary Alliance; Box 35000; Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500. Checks should be made out to CAMA and designated to CAMA Typhoon Haiyan Relief. CAMA (Compassion and Mercy Associates) can accommodate online donations at Typhoon Haiyan Relief online donations.

In His Love,   Tim and Cleo

Tim and  Cleo wined and dined me;  allowed me use of their laptop and internet periodically;  transported me safely here and there; and indulged my desire to spend a day on Corregidor Island.     They also indulged my desire to swing by Freddie's brother's home (also in Quezon) so I could briefly visit---Tim and Cleo now have new friends!    And a happy 89th birthday to Freddie's father, there visiting!!

Both Tim and Cleo whetted my appetite to return---all those sites I didn't get to see!!        And yes, I'll be sure to bring my 'furry teddy bear', Mr. Lee with me!   He and Tim can stay up all night talking!!

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