Friday, February 14, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tim,  Cleo and I were up early--leaving their home about 5:45 AM.    Traffic was crazy already that morning and their house really isn't that far from where we had to go.   There was a major road with a traffic revision on it, so we had to back track and go around.   We arrived at the  San Cruise launching area  by 7 AM.

A sign there stated:  "No passengers accepted if planning an international or domestic flight in 24 hours."    OOPS!   I guess I'm just barely over the 24 hours!

The ticket includes the boat ride to Corregidor Island, a bus ride tour of the island and lunch.   Truly appreciate Tim and Cleo sacrificing sleep and the day to accommodate me.  We were seated just below deck about 7:15AM.  The boat took off about 8:15 AM.    The ride was nice--easy to nod off!

Once at Corregidor we got on open sided buses for the tour.
There were 4 such buses full and they ran a pretty tight schedule about the island.  I had intended to buy a DVD or neat book of the island, but no such thing available.   I tried to take a lot of pictures.  I am glad there is a group determined to preserve the place and keep it up.   A few barracks were removed to accommodate the building of a new Peace Memorial, which was quite nice.
peace memorial
Cleo taking picture of  Tim with eternal flame sculpture in back
I would have enjoyed a longer time in the museum, which housed quite a few pictures and all.   A chapel had been built on the island.    A motel also went up to accommodate those who wish to take more time.   One can do walking tours.  One can camp. One can bike.      The noon meal at the motel's restaurant was a buffet and quite tasty.
   Alas....only had the one day!

The 9 hole gold course and the swimming pool seem to have gotten swallowed by the regrowth of the 'jungle'.   I am sure that soldiers stationed on Corregidor thoroughly enjoyed the time--when there wasn't fighting, that is.    There is a new light house on the island and the old one was being restored when we visited.
old light house

Why did I want to visit  Corregidor?   Well, my husband is one interested in history, so wanted to do it for him.  Also, a class mate of my mom's, Barney McClue had been on  Corregidor when it was taken by the Japanese and he survived the Bataan death march.   So I did it for Barney and all those who suffered and died.  The picture below right is near the peace memorial and it is for my dad, who served on Tinian.
My dad served on Tinian

Our open sided bus dropped us off at the pier for the boat ride back to Manila at 2:15 PM.
the boa
General MacArthur

the dock MacArthur left the island on  with Bataan Island across the way

On our way back to  Tim & Cleo's we made a stop at Mario Mamaril's home.
  His brother Freddie, is a dear friend of ours here in Portland.  Freddie had loaned me an unlocked cell phone to use  (SIM cards can be purchased inexpensively for unlimited free texting), and he had given me some pesos to start off my trip!  It was delightful to meet Mario and his wife, another brother Manuel who had been visiting from his work in Qatar, and their father--there to celebrate his 89th birthday.    We missed meeting some sisters who were coming.  Well, Tim and Cleo, I hope you got in on the 89th birthday celebration and got to meet more of the family.   It was truly delightful to spend a wee bit of time with some of Freddie's family.

Back to  Tim and Cleo's to shower and crash.   It was warmer and didn't sleep well--reckon cuz I was thinking about my flight back to the US.

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