Saturday, February 8, 2014

by the way....who are they #3?

Okay, I had another reason to head to Luzon Island and stay longer in the Philippines.    Lee's oldest brother, Allen and his wife Fely, live there!    Fely Calayoan Britton

Allen and Fely rented a driver and his van to come south to Makati where they visited friends for a while, then came on to Quezon and picked me up about 5 PM.  We rode all night long (less traffic and cooler) north to Bangued, Abra, The Philippines.

Allen is retired. Fely works with BIR.   They are in the midst of a new home building project. observation is that the Britton boys like to build big!

I was delighted to meet many of Fely's family.   My ears got tweaked yet again, for language switched to Ilocano!!   (Except, Allen talked non-stop in English to me!!)         Again, I was wined and dined and taken to see quite a few local sites as well as a day's adventure to Vigen--closer to the western coast.

Yes, my appetite is whetted to return, and yes, I'll bring that 'furry teddy bear' of mine, Mr. Lee!!    He and his brother can stay up all night talking.

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