Thursday, January 30, 2014

Diseases, etc.

As briefly mentioned in my previous blog, rabies is a real issue here.  From what I observed in smaller communities, I would believe many parasites and skin diseases.   I saw a couple of people with what I think might be goiters--swelling on necks--but then could be other.      Filippinos enjoy sweets--so diabetes is an issue.    Oh, and tooth decay.    I've seen many instances of mothers picking/combing lice out of a child's hair.

With goats and chickens roaming around and everyone in flipflops and many areas of simply dirt--when it rains and all that gets mixed together in mud?      One place we shared had a raised open platform, they kindly swept off the goat poo before we were invited to sit down.     We carried hand sanitizer with us everywhere.

I have not enjoyed all the exhaust fumes and such--so often have a kerchief to hold to my nose--like on the one bus ride back from Bogo to Cebu City with bus windows all open.     The fumes and such in the air also tend to bother my eyes--at least felt the discomfort and so eye drops help. 'stats' on alcoholism, drugs, STD's, mental expectancy.    I'm sure it all depends upon the person's financial status in life, among other things.

Met a woman at New Life  Community  church who had entered with walking braces due to having had polio.

Understand that medical visits are inexpensive compared to US costs, but prescriptions are spendy.   Pastor Brian went in to have some bites? on his ankles checked that had gotten infected.  His doctor's visit was $6, if I remember correctly.  

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