Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blessed with Donna as my roomie.  what I forgot or needed, she had and visa versa.   Two of my suitcases got left behind in Cebu.  Thankfully, Chris is coming up on Monday, so I can flex and do without until then.

We were up early to go to Jollibee's for a quick breakfast.  It is a fast food place similar to our Golden Arches--MacDonald's.  I ate 2 small pancakes with a fried egg.    

the men headed off first to the construction site.  They were building from the ground up for a church family.  Think a metal rod to breakup limestone and coconut shells to scoop out the dirt and broken limestone.  The house is about 2' off the ground on posts.  The dimensions of the home are 10' x 12'.  The family will add a lean to or awning over dirt from the door for a "dirty kitchen", as they call it.  The walls are an eighth inch thick plywood.  Thicker plywood most can't afford.  Materials are difficult to come by.  Even if the walls are painted on the exterior (and who can afford paint?), the thin plywood may last only a couple of years in the climate.  Termites are a problem here.

Sisters Marj and Sarah went with Pastor Henry and a church staff worker, Alma, to a Bogo City community (Siocon and Daking Babay) to share their stories and the wordless bracelet story with children.

Donna hopped in the front of Pastor Revie' s small pickup (called a multicab).  Liz, I, two youth--Jemalyn and Jacklord put on raincoats and sat on small plastic children's chairs in the back of the little pickup.  
as we took off from Bogo
along the way up to Maya
on our way back to Bogo--yup!  we're underneath there!!!

It was cloudy, intermittent showers, windy, and quite bouncy on the damaged and pot hole filled roads the hour and a half drive up to Maya.  Maya is a town/community on the very north tip of the peninsula at the very north end of Cebu Island.   We had the privilege to share our stories in 5 homes. (Amazing how many adults and children can cozy into  homes  so small!   I am guestamating in the measurements below)   These homes were concrete blocks on a concrete floor--much more termite proof!

one group--the home 30 by 15 feet?

this home definitely was only 10 by 12 feet--another group

this home was probably 15 by 20 feet--another group

group outside on way back to Bogo City from Maya

At one home there was a covered area near the home, so I and the youth took all the kids and sang songs.  I shared the Good News using the colored beads on the bracelets.

So many precious children!

 Such welcoming and attentive adults!

The candy canes Stan had brought were greatly enjoyed.

Over a late meal we caught up with the rest of the team and shared our experiences.
Bogo City is said to have 80,000 population, but seemed so quiet compared to Cebu City.  Many businesses closed up shop early, it seemed.

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