Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

As mentioned in a previous post, Brent went back to Cebu and Chris came up Monday morning.  She, Liz, I, Jemalyn went with Pastor Revie back up to Maya community.   Donna was feeling a little under the weather and so remained in the hotel.

I was a little confused at first because we visited the homes out of order.   There were good sized groups again in each home.   Chris shared on assurance.  I shared on obedience, while Liz shared on prayer and reading the Word.      At the 5th stop we handed out Cebuano Bibles!!

3rd from left with BIG smile, is Beth, Pastor Revie's wife.  
Back in  Bogo, Liz and I were dropped off at Dela Rosa catering and met by Pastor Revie's wife, Beth.   Pastor Henry, Sarah and Marj joined us shortly.   Sarah shared her story.  Pastor Henry spoke briefly and prayed.   MANY pictures were taken by the young workers there with Sarah and Marj!    
 In the picture I am "guarding" a box of brownies the bakery/catering gave us.  

this is a "whacky-whacky" picture...

We also walked a bit further to the apartment of a couple that Thom and Liz had shared in  earlier in the week.   The husband works in Saudi in oil drilling and was home for a month before returning overseas for 2 years of work.   More pictures!!

The Dela Rosa Bakery & Catering owners sent us off with a box of brownies which was enough for each team member to have 2!  We all met late at Pizza Pointe--a restaurant close to the lodge we were staying at and enough menu options which accommodated Sarah's gluten free diet.    A late night, but good time laughing and catching up with each others' days.

The men had gone to begin work on the 2nd house. 

kids and dirt!!


he pedaled out and was selling something

when not working....


concrete for bottom part of walls

 A very happy family by their new home: 

 Sarah and Marj went with Pastor Henry to follow up where they had visited on Saturday.

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