Sunday, January 26, 2014

Friday night movie showing

After dinner, we went to Grace Driven Church.    It is a room about 45' x 20' on the second floor in a "historic building".  The entry way is about 15' x 20'.  An evangelistic film was shown--amazed how much I could follow of the story line, not understanding a word of Cebuano!
another view with tricycles!!
here we all are in the entry way of Grace  Drive Church

Pastor Revie is the leader for northern Cebu.  He has worked 24/7 since the typhoon.  Specifically he oversees outreach in 5 communities, but is busy with relief work in 29 communities.  He pastors Grace Driven Church, is training and mentoring young leaders, has a lovely wife and two young children. ( in the picture above, they are on the right side)  With our arrival he was overseeing the men doing construction--getting materials and all; then getting we women to different communities to share our story.  Our team has highest regard for Pastor Revie's passion to serve God and his commitment to serve his people and community so selflessly.

We have highest regard for all the pastors we met and those in  Grace Driven Church who have or are in leadership training.   They passionately love the Lord.  They passionately

love to help their fellow people.  

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