Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I think I've had my dates off on this blog.   I will blame it on sleep deprivation---or something!

Our team attended Grace Driven  Church, pastored by Pastor Revie.  His wife is Beth--a delightful, joyful believer who teaches school.  They have two children, Chloe and Gracer.    Pastor Revie oversees all of northern Cebu.   The church is a few blocks from Bogo Lodge, where we were staying. It is on the 2nd floor of a 'historic building'.  The meeting area is roughly 45' x 20' with high ceiling.  The entry way at the top of the stairs is roughly 15' x 20 '.   There are two smaller rooms to the side which is Pastor Revie's office and a storage room.   There easily were 100 people squeezed into the main room and another 25 or so in the entryway.

Worship music was LOUD and passionate and joyful.  There were two large bumped out windows--no glass, but a lattice wood.  A bit of a breeze could be felt.   Hum….come summer and heat and that many people in the room…well, it would be awfully warm.      Marj and Sarah sang a special number.

Marjorie and Sarah

Stan shared his story.  Pastor Brian shared on Matthew 14:21ff on the storms of life, which are either for discipline or correction.    They develop Christ's character is us.    The points:  1) I am here by the will of God  2) God is aware of my situation,  3) Jesus is praying for me, 4) God will come to my aid, and 5) God will use my storm to help me grow.  
Pastor Revie and Pastor  Brian

from near the front looking toward the back
After worship, church members and us made our way in various ways, to the beach.   We stuffed 9 in Brent's van.  There we had a bit of a picnic lunch.

Typical 'stray' dogs watching for any food that might drop or be tossed their way.

 I saw a lot of these kinds of boats in varying sizes.

before going into the water, a time of prayer

Then we got to witness 27 be baptized.  Best of all, Pastor Brian got to assist.  In the process, he got "carried away"--his own words.  On third person he was baptizing, Brian went down and under the waves, too.!!   Yea, for Marj capturing it all on video!   

Stan and Brian did some swimming, while the rest of us looked for shells and relaxed.  The water was warm, the sand white, but waves carrying in lots of shells, pieces of shells, small rocks, seaweed, etc.    The day was cloudy.

We went back to the lodge to clean up and I was able to borrow Liz's iPad to send a quick email to my sister from Liz's email account.   I DO need some tech lessons!

Then we took off to a film showing out in a community.   Apparently, a church member knew the family.  The family asked for the film showing and made a tarp covered area for people to sit since it was outside and it had rained earlier.    We were all introduced.  Dan shared his testimony and Pastor Henri gave the Gospel.

A message from  Christine since I've been home regarding this film showing at Tabayho, Bogo City:  " Pastor Henry was able to give us pictures of the services they are now conducting every Sunday afternoon...VERY EXCITING! Please understand that this work was started with the Gateway Team: the film showing your first Sunday in Bogo, sharing testimonies (Liz and Donna on Monday) and then follow up Bible Studies on Wednesday."

More pictures of the baptism and... 




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